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Why Do You Need My Email Address?

Dr. Barnsley often prefers that some questionnaires be completed in advance to you and your child arriving for the initial consultation. The questionnaires that Dr. Barnsley selects are available online and links can be sent to you for completion.


Rest assured that your confidentiality is maintained through this process. You are given a number and your questionnaire data is matched up by the number that only Dr. Barnsley has access to. Dr. Barnsley reviews the findings from all questionnaires during the initial consultation session.

Do I Need a Referral from my Family Doctor or my Pediatrician to Make an Appointment?

Although we do take referrals from family doctors, pediatricians, and school support workers, you do not need a referral to see a registered psychologist in private practice. You may self-refer by calling the office directly or emailing the office at to schedule an appointment.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What Can I Expect at the First Appointment?

At the first mental health initial consult appointment and the first psychoeducational assessment appointment you will need to arrive at the office 30 minutes early. These 30 minutes will allow you to complete a Background History Information Questionnaire. The 90 minute appointment will involve discussing your child or adolescent’s current functioning, history of mental health problems, learning issues, school functioning and other developmentally related information.

At the end of this session Dr. Barnsley presents her feedback. Dr. Barnsley provides you with her diagnostic impressions and any diagnoses that are made. She then describes an evidenced based treatment plan for you to consider. A treatment plan may include CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) or proceeding with psychoeducational testing.


On occasion a longer initial consultation is needed to clarify diagnosis. When this occurs a second one-hour appointment is scheduled and the feedback session occurs at that time.

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