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Primary Areas of Practice

Please Note: Patients must be between the ages of 2 and 18

Mental Health

Dr. Barnsley provides evidenced based assessment and treatment for child and adolescent mental health concerns. She is a registered PhD level psychologist.


Dr. Barnsley also conducts adaptive functioning assessments. These assessments are often required to secure external support services for children with a profound learning problem, ADHD or when daily living skills need to be assessed.





Children spend a notable amount of time in school, when a learning issue becomes a concern it can be distressing for the child and the entire family. A psychoeducational assessment may provide the answers needed to help your child succeed in school. An evaluation for learning disabilities and school related educational problems may be needed.


Dr. Barnsley schedules appointments for psychoeducational testing quickly and provides you and your child’s school with the results and recommendations for improved learning. She informs school staff of the specific learning needs and educational planning necessary to optimize the learning of the children she assesses.  Psychoeducational assessments can be conducted in either English or French.

Child Assessment


  • Mental Health Assessment

  • Psychoeducational

Child Treatment


  • Behavioural Problems

  • Eating Disorders

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Learning and Attention Deficit

  • Tourettes

  • Grief

  • Separation, Divorce – Adjustment

  • Targets of Bullying

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • Phobias

  • Life Problems – Other


Preschool Age Treatment


  • Behavioural problems

  • Anxiety

  • Learning and Attention Deficit

  • Grief



Adolescent Asessment

  • Mental Health Assessment

  • Learning and Attention Deficit


Adolescent Treatment


  • Panic Disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Social Phobia

  • Anxiety Disorders – Other

  • Somatization

  • Bipolar

  • Depression

  • Adolescent ADHD

  • Family Relationships

  • Tourettes

  • Anger Management

  • Behavioural problems

  • Grief

  • Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Trauma

  • PTSD/Adolescent Trauma

  • Specific Phobia

  • Targets of Bullying

Approaches Used


  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Behaviour Therapy

  • Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

  • Systemic Therapy

Consultation and

Public Speaking

Dr. Barnsley provides educational talks and lectures on a variety of child mental health topics. Please contact the office to schedule a public speaking engagement at your community centre or school.


Consultation is also available for childcare centres and preschools needing guidance with managing difficult child behaviour.

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